OCD Treatment for Residents in Austin

Online therapy to control compulsive thoughts

We Accept Insurance

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Keep your career on track while receiving treatment

Flexible sessions that fits into your daily schedule

Receive support from experienced therapists

Signs you need treatment for OCD in Austin

Living with OCD in Austin might feel isolating, especially when intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors dominate your day. Our OCD intrusive thoughts treatment helps regain control, especially if you notice these signs:

  • 🔄 Repeating actions: If you check locks or wash hands repeatedly, even when you know it’s unnecessary.
  • 🧠 Intrusive thoughts: Constant, unwanted thoughts that cause distress or anxiety.
  • 🕰️ Time-consuming rituals: Spending hours on routines or rituals to feel “right” or safe.
  • 💡 Need for perfection: An overwhelming desire for things to be perfect, leading to significant stress.
  • 🤔 Doubt and uncertainty: Feeling unsure about decisions, leading to constant reassurance seeking.

Get started on a new life of freedom. Call us today for support!

phone-icon (972) 646-8711

Find peace & freedom with our OCD Treatment Program

We understand that living with obsessive-compulsive disorder can be difficult. Our Therapy Treatment for OCD understands this challenge, and that’s why it helps you heal, not just cover up the symptoms. Are you looking for an OCD Treatment that supports you in getting better? Our program might just be what you need.

Personalized treatment

  • We design your therapy plan to fit precisely what you need, focusing on strategies that target your specific OCD symptoms and triggers.

Group therapy sessions

  • Connect with others who truly understand what it's like to live with OCD. It's a space for sharing, learning, and growing together.

Personal recovery coach

  • Our recovery coach is there to offer one-on-one support, motivation, and insights to keep you moving forward, every step of the way.

Personalized treatment

  • We design your therapy plan to fit precisely what you need, focusing on strategies that target your specific OCD symptoms and triggers.

Group therapy sessions

  • Connect with others who truly understand what it's like to live with OCD. It's a space for sharing, learning, and growing together.

Personal recovery coach

  • Our recovery coach is there to offer one-on-one support, motivation, and insights to keep you moving forward, every step of the way.

Client Reviews

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4.8 – A few of our glowing reviews


I was skeptical about online therapy, but the convenience and privacy won me over. The recovery coaches are so supportive, guiding me through my challenges seamlessly.

Jason A.


The group therapy sessions at Modern Recovery gave me a sense of community that I never thought possible online. I’ve learned so much.

Emily R.


The personalized approach made all the difference—finally, a program that adapts to me, not the other way around. Highly recommend.


Receive OCD Treatment with ease & flexibility

Accessing OCD treatment online offers a convenient and flexible path to begin your healing journey. It’s especially helpful for those who:

  • 🏠 Prefer the comfort of home: You can engage in therapy without leaving the comfort and security of your own home.
  • 🕒 Need flexible scheduling: Therapy can fit your schedule, allowing you to choose the best times.
  • 🚗 Want to skip the commute: Save time and avoid the stress of Houston’s traffic by connecting to your session with just a click.
  • 🤝 Seek discreet support: Get the help you need privately without worrying about running into someone you know.
  • 💬 Look for more options: Find the perfect therapist for your needs, even if they aren’t near you.

With online treatment, overcoming OCD is within reach, right from your home in Houston. Let’s move forward together.

phone-icon (972) 646-8711

Key benefits of Our OCD Treatment in Austin

Our approach is all about finding peace and reclaiming control from OCD. To fully benefit from our OCD Treatment Program, you'll need to join 3-5 sessions weekly for a duration of 4-6 weeks.

Family involvement

Your family’s part of the treatment program. Sessions with family makes sure everyone knows how to support each other.

Schoolwork support

We help keep your school work on track, so OCD doesn’t get in the way of your grades.

Post-treatment plan

When you finish with our OCD Program, we’ll set you up with a plan to keep you feeling good and on track.

Skill training

We’ll help you build skills for the future, whether that’s for jobs or just day-to-day life.

Dual diagnosis

Sometimes, OCD comes with other challenges. Our team of therapists & psychologists helps to handle that too.

Medication Management

If meds are part of your plan, we’ll help manage them to make sure they’re doing their job right, without too many side effects.

Family involvement

Your family’s part of the treatment program. Sessions with family makes sure everyone knows how to support each other.

Schoolwork support

We help keep your school work on track, so OCD doesn’t get in the way of your grades.

Post-treatment plan

When you finish with our OCD Program, we’ll set you up with a plan to keep you feeling good and on track.

Skill training

We’ll help you build skills for the future, whether that’s for jobs or just day-to-day life.

Dual diagnosis

Sometimes, OCD comes with other challenges. Our team of therapists & psychologists helps to handle that too.

Medication Management

If meds are part of your plan, we’ll help manage them to make sure they’re doing their job right, without too many side effects.

We accept insurance

We collaborate with the most significant insurance provider to lessen the treatment’s financial burden. Please verify if your provider covers your treatment.

We’re in-network with BlueCross BlueShield

Stay relaxed through proven OCD Treatment methods

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT): This approach combines cognitive therapy with mindfulness strategies to help you become more aware of the present moment, reducing the grip of OCD symptoms.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This method helps you challenge and change negative thought patterns driving OCD, teaching you healthier ways of thinking.
  • Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP): A key part of CBT, ERP involves facing your fears in a safe, controlled way, learning to reduce compulsive behaviors over time.

Commpassionate support from licensed therapists

Receive support from our licensed therapists, all of whom hold Master’s degrees and specialize in helping individuals overcome OCD.

Throughout your journey, they offer consistent encouragement and adjust the treatment process when needed to ensure you’re making progress.


Cindy Llora, LMFT

Jordan Boyce, LAC

How to get started?

Starting our OCD online treatment is a straightforward 3-step process. Whether you’re just starting or continuing your recovery journey. It all begins with a simple phone call or message.

1- The initial phone call

Tell us your story, explore treatment options, and discuss payment options.

2- Pre screening

Confirm treatment, insurance coverage, and details about what to expect.

3- Start Therapy

Connect to computer or mobile device. Begin therapy from wherever you are.

1- The initial phone call

Tell us your story, explore treatment options, and discuss payment options.

2- Pre screening

Confirm treatment, insurance coverage, and details about what to expect.

3- Start Therapy

Connect to computer or mobile device. Begin therapy from wherever you are.